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University of Cumbria - MA Literature, Romanticism & The English Lake District Open Day Event

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Our Master's in English Literature offers a unique opportunity to study a rich body of literary and non-literary texts within the geographical landscape which inspired them.
Wed 13 December 2023 - 13:00 to 14:00

Our Master's in English Literature offers a unique opportunity to study a rich body of literary and non-literary texts within the geographical landscape which inspired them. This course is offered at the University of Cumbria's Ambleside campus, which is located in the very heart of the Lake District National Park - a UNESCO world heritage site.

For generations, the stunning landscape of the English Lake District has been a source of inspiration for poets and writers alike. We look forward to welcoming you onto our unique MA, to study a body of writing which explores our deep relationship with place and the natural environment, all within this awe-inspiring backdrop of this magnificent landscape.

Here you will explore critical ideas about the relationship between the creative imagination and place, and have the opportunity to visit some of the specific locations that have inspired and continue to inspire writers. The course also offers opportunities to engage with partner organisations such as Brantwood and the Wordsworth Trust and to work with related and unique manuscript resources.

More than just an MA in English Literature, the course can enhance prospects in a range of careers that demand high-level analytical and interpretative skills as well as advanced skills in written and oral communication. Specific career pathways might include work in publishing or the creative and cultural heritage industries; the course can also support students wishing to go on to study at MPhil/PhD level.


Course Enquiry Centre