The Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2018

Date and location
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Deborah Streatfield

Founder, My Big Career


Deborah began her career teaching in secondary schools. Subsequently, she moved into outplacement. Further work with HMP Bronzefield (the largest women-only prison in Europe) alongside working with the homeless instilled the idea of a charity. MyBigCareer was launched with support from all political parties. The charity’s objectives are defined as: every child, regardless of their background, deserves the best opportunities to follow their dreams and achieve success. Throughout her career, Deborah has juggled the demands of six children, including at one time five children under nine. She passionately believes every student should be treated with patience, care, and empathy, as if they were her own son and daughter, with a promise of conveying the same drive and ambition.

Monday 5 February 2018 13:50 - 14:50

Inspiring the disconnected: How do we raise the aspirations of those that have never considered higher education?