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Apprentices' rights and responsibilities

Know your rights and responsibilities as an apprentice in the world of work.

Apprentices have the same rights as other employees. You are entitled to a contract of employment, and a minimum of 20 days paid leave each year, plus bank holidays. You will work at least 30 hours per week with your employer, and undertake part-time study through a mixture of day/block release, distance, and e-learning. 

Your employer and university, college, or training provider will set out details of what they will provide and what they expect from you as an apprentice, both as an employee and as a student, in two key documents.

Apprenticeship agreement – signed by the employer and apprentice, it is equivalent to a contract of employment, giving details of what the employer and apprentice agree, including:

  • how long you'll be employed 
  • the training you'll receive
  • your working conditions (such as pay, working hours, holidays, and any support or benefits provided)
  • the apprenticeship framework or standard you will be working to

Commitment statement – signed by the employer, you as the apprentice, and training provider, includes:

  • the planned content and schedule for your training
  • the qualifications you are working toward
  • what is expected from you, your employer, and training provider
  • how to raise any queries or complaints

If you're unsure what your terms and conditions mean, it's a good idea to talk them through with a parent/carer, teacher, or careers adviser.

Find out more about your rights and responsibilities.

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