All about money, from budgeting to student discounts and student finance information.
How to manage your money at uni, college, or an apprenticeship.
Student finance can help you pay for university or college. Find out more.
Get discounts and advice on budgeting, saving money and what you need to make uni more affordable.
Managing money on a tight budget is really important to cover everything you need. Learn how to budget properly and save money.
As well as a student loan, there’s other financial support available from a range of sources. Find out more about funding your undergraduate course.
If your student loan won’t nearly be enough to cover your university costs, check out these extra pots of money knocking around to help with living expenses and tuition fees.
If you're applying to higher education and you're a refugee, asylum seeker or have limited leave to remain in the UK, there may be support available to help you with finance and your studies.
Save yourself time and effort by using your UCAS status codes when opening a bank account. These codes allow a number of banks to confirm your eligibility for their student accounts.