Leading Technology Consulting Company Achieves 40 Successful Application Hires from Worthing to Woking with UCAS

Using UCAS' data and insight to execute a targeted paid media campaign to attract a diverse range of candidates for this technology company's graduate and apprenticeship roles.

Case study: Technology Consulting Company

Industry: Information Technology Consulting

Products used: Paid media campaign (Facebook, Instagram)

Bespoke campaign created: Matching precise recruitment needs with pinpoint targeting and unmatched student insight

Result: 40 successful early careers application hires

    "UCAS has allowed us to adopt a data centric and targeted approach to our early careers’ recruitment. The platform enables us to engage with relevant students with a host of different targeting tools and metrics. This has been fundamental over the last 18 months.”
    Recruitment Marketing Lead, Graduate and Apprentice


    Campaign goals

    1. To recruit for a range of roles

    With 8,500+ employees, this company is a leader in consulting, technology and digital transformation and they were looking to recruit a range of graduate and apprenticeship roles. These included consultants, data scientists and creatives in 10 specific locations across the UK – from London to Telford, Worthing to Woking.

    2. To reach female candidates

    They wanted to specifically attract female candidates for these roles and ensure a high level of intent. We targeted audiences who'd studied or expressed interest in a subject relating to the advertised positions (and lookalikes). This meant content could be more precise and role success rates were higher.

    Campaign overview

    Duration: 6 months

    Multimedia creatives: images, carousels and video

    Targeting: based on the role type and refined by location

    Tracking: UTMs and Google Analytics

    How the campaign performed:

    Reach: 479,870
    Impressions: 2,489,453
    Links clicks: 12,402
    Click-Through Rate: 0.86%
    Total video views: 3,800
    Event registrations: 80


    Find out more about recruiting apprentices with UCAS

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