Five ways to stay productive during lockdown 2.0

Tuesday 17 November 2020, First year

by Sophie Gibbons

Five ways to stay productive during lockdown 2.0

Sophie Gibbons

The first lockdown, which probably seems like a lifetime ago, was a time filled with adjustments and frustrations concerning a new routine we would have to follow for the foreseeable future. When that lockdown finally ended, I remember the relief I felt knowing that life would soon return to normality. Now lockdown 2.0 has arrived, I can imagine the feeling of dread is felt by more people than just myself.

Try not to think of lockdown as a time where the world stops spinning, rather focus on the fact that now you most likely have time to focus on the things you never had time to before.

Here are some tips which I found useful…


This has got to be my favourite thing to help keep motivated that I recommend to a lot of my friends at university. Whether these are daily, weekly or a to do list aimed at a looming upcoming deadline you know you have, this will help you keep up to date with what you have to do rather than wasting your time procrastinating. I use the application Notes on my phone for this, but another good application is “Lists to do”.


Try to wake up at a good time, ideally before 12pm. During lockdown, the idea of staying in bed all day does sound extremely doable, but you must persevere and instead start your mornings how you wish your day to continue, using to do lists can especially help with this; aim a specific section of your list aimed at what you want to achieve just within the morning, whether this be making your bed or planning a part of your essay, by following a personalised morning routine that you enjoy, the more likely you are to repeatably follow it and start your day off right.


Whether these are academic, or goals aimed at one specific thing, by setting out a path for where you would like to head, you’re increases your chances of succeeding! Sounds cliché I know but it's actually true. Try and set time limits associated with these goals, for example “I need to complete this particular work by this particular date”. I personally stick my goals on revision cards around my room, so I see them every day and I am constantly reminded of what I have to do.


Well, of course I mean this where you are legally free to do so. Possibly as a part of your morning routine you could go for a half an hour walk. Try and set some allocated time for every day where you are doing something for you that incorporates fresh air, even if you go and sit outside in your garden, this is a good way of reflecting on what you have already completed so far in your day and what is left to be finished.


For example, with myself I know that if I try and watch a 40-minute lecture in bed I am 90% likely to fall asleep during this, no offence to my lecturers, but this is a comfortable space which I associate with relaxation. In comparison, if I’m instead sitting at my desk, I am more likely to stay focused and complete this task more efficiently. Work where you know you are more likely to concentrate.