Other Skilled Trades
New workers start around £12,105. Normal pay is £26,770 per year.
Highly experienced workers can earn up to £39,135.
Available jobs
In the past year there were 24,533 vacancies for this type of job
Projected job growth over the next 8 years
Related courses
People work towards these careers by taking these courses at college and uni.
What they do most days?
Makes and repairs jewellery and decorative precious metal ware, sets, cuts and polishes gemstones and makes master patterns for articles of jewellery.
Makes musical instruments, makes and assembles parts for musical instruments, and tunes to improve pitch, tone and volume.
Makes patterns for moulds, fits metal castings, pours plaster, fills plaster mould with resin and smooths surface.
Makes, maintains and adapts surgical and orthopaedic appliances.
Makes children’s toys, dolls, models, candles, artificial flowers and other fancy goods.
Charges fireworks, cartridges and other munitions with explosive material.
Interweaves canes of willow, withy, bamboo, rattan or similar material to make baskets and other pieces of wickerwork.
Makes wigs, beards and other artificial hairpieces from human hair or synthetic materials.
Constructs and covers wire frames for lampshades.
Uses hand or machine tools to engrave letters, patterns and other designs on jewellery and stoneware.
Hard Skills
Hard skills are specific, learnable, measurable, often industry or occupation-specific abilities related to a position.
Skills are ranked based on the number of job adverts that list them as required skills.
Soft Skills
Soft skills can be self-taught and usually do not necessitate a certain completed level of education.
Skills are ranked based on the number of job adverts that list them as required skills.