What's on this page?
The main purpose of the Tariff is to provide a broad metric for qualifications at Level 3/SCQF Level 6 to support university and college management information needs. All universities and colleges use the UCAS Tariff for submitting data returns to HESA. Some universities and colleges will continue to use the Tariff as a tool to set their entry requirements and make offers. Currently, nearly 70% of courses have a Tariff-point entry requirement, and over 80% of universities have a Tariff entry requirement on at least one course. Students should always check individual course requirements.
Useful documents
Tariff tables
You can download the latest version of the Tariff Tables below. An updated version will be published in May each year.
Tariff tables for September 2025 entry (761.25 KB)
- The Tariff points calculator – updated every year with qualifications that have been added to the UCAS Tariff. Our calculator provides an indicative guide to students of the total number of points allocated to their qualification(s).
Want a deeper understanding of the UCAS Tariff? We've created a learning module about the Tariff tables in our learning portal.
Frequently asked questions about the Tariff
Will universities and colleges consider a qualification which sits outside the Tariff?
Do universities and colleges have to accept a qualification on the basis that it is recognised in the Tariff?
Do universities count both qualifications in cases where one follows on from the other?
Background to the Tariff
The UCAS Tariff was first introduced in 2001 to help those working in admissions to make comparisons between qualifications. However, both the range of qualifications held by applicants, and the variety of progression routes into HE increased, therefore in 2012, UCAS completed a review of what information universities and colleges, students, and schools and advisers needed about qualifications to facilitate admission to HE. The review identified the needs of admissions teams for more detailed, structured information about qualifications, hence the development of QIPs.
The UCAS Board also decided that a new Tariff should be developed to meet certain design principles. It decided the new Tariff should be a simple metric for data returns, easy to administer, fit for purpose, and allow to add more vocational and international qualifications. This simple mathematical model could still be used by universities and colleges instead of grades in their entry requirements.
After a feedback exercise with the HE sector and secondary education community, and in agreement with the UCAS Board, the new Tariff was launched for the 2017 admissions cycle and beyond.
In 2021, UCAS launched a consultation with providers which proposed changes in the way qualifications are included in the Tariff. If approved, all Level 3 (and equivalent) regulated UK qualifications would begin to receive Tariff points – this would include all Level 3 qualifications in the Ofqual Register, the Qualifications Wales database, and the SCQF database.
Additional proposals were to remove international and unregulated qualifications and to remove the nomination process.
UCAS received support from providers they engaged with to approve these changes, except for the removal of the Irish Leaving Certificate, which will remain in future version of the Tariff Tables.
This new-style Tariff was launched in May 2022, though the methodology used to calculate the points themselves is unchanged from the previous Tariff system.