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University Interviews For Journalism

Thursday 19 December 2019, First year

by Rebecca Thompson

University Interviews For Journalism

Rebecca Thompson

University interviews can be especially stressful, and even more so if you can’t find anything a little more specific for your subject choice. So, if you’re applying to Journalism courses, here are some useful tips!

Re-read Your Personal Statement

Make sure you re-read your personal statement on the way to the interview, that way if they ask you anything about what you’ve written, you’ll remember! Especially if you’ve written about books, blogs, or podcasts, you might remember them and give them a quick flick through or listen. Also, it might just be able to keep you that little more calm in the middle of the questions.

Brush Up On Your Journalism

It’s always good to know a little more about what you’re applying for, and when it comes to journalism, you might want to be aware of the current news (world news if it’s your interest) and have some journalists you look up to. Some journalists you might want to look at are Stacey Dooley and Louis Theroux if you need some quick examples.

Be Curious

Journalists are always curious about things, try and ask questions. Take a notebook and pen and make some notes on things you might want to ask them about. It won’t just be them asking you questions, it’s a two-way dialogue. Ask about the course, the university, even the lecturers. Whatever you’re curious about.

Relax And Be Yourself

I know that that’s the worst advice you want, but at the end of the day, universities want you, not a pretend version. If you let the nerves take over, they won’t get to see your shining personality. Try and allow it to become excitement and enjoy it.

Best Of Luck Fellow Journalists Of The Future!

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