Data explorer

Our subject data explorer can be used to interactively explore some of the data published in the data resources below.

The data explorer is intended for use on desktop computers with mouse control. It's compatible with the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers.

Data resources

Subject Applications Acceptances
Subject CD4_001_04.csv (1.39 KB) CD4_001_07.csv (1.36 KB)
Subject and UK/EU/not EU domicile CD4_002_04.csv (4.29 KB) CD4_002_07.csv (4.18 KB)
Subject and region CD4_003_04.csv (15.46 KB) CD4_003_07.csv (10.68 KB)
Subject and sex CD4_004_04.csv (2.73 KB) CD4_004_07.csv (2.65 KB)
Undergraduate subject Applications Acceptances
Subject CD4_001_05.csv (1.39 KB) CD4_001_08.csv (1.35 KB)
Subject and UK/EU/not EU domicile CD4_002_05.csv (4.27 KB) CD4_002_08.csv (3.68 KB)
Subject and region CD4_003_05.csv (14.19 KB) CD4_003_08.csv (8.74 KB)
Subject and sex CD4_004_05.csv (2.72 KB) CD4_004_08.csv (2.65 KB)
Subject and POLAR3 CD4_005_05.csv (8.21 KB) CD4_005_08.csv (5.06 KB)
Subject and POLAR4  CD4_006_05.csv (8.17 KB) CD4_006_08.csv (5.28 KB)


Postgraduate subject Applications Acceptances
Subject CD4_001_06.csv (1.36 KB) CD4_001_09.csv (1.33 KB)
Subject and UK/EU/not EU domicile CD4_002_06.csv (4.16 KB) CD4_002_09.csv (3.78 KB)
Subject and region CD4_003_06.csv (13.24 KB) CD4_003_09.csv (6.22 KB)
Subject and sex CD4_004_06.csv (2.64 KB) CD4_004_09.csv (2.54 KB)