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McTimoney College of Chiropractic


  • Location: Town, City


At the McTimoney College, we offer a variety of courses aimed at chiropractic for both people and animals. It all depends on where your interests lie. Whether you are straight out of school looking for a career, in employment looking for a different career or looking to expand your knowledge and qualifications, we have an option that will work for you.

Available Chiropractic Courses:
Master of Chiropractic (MChiro) Four-year, full-time
Master of Chiropractic (MChiro) Five-year, full-time-extended
MSc Chiropractic (Paediatrics)

Available Animal Chiropractic Courses:
Master of Veterinary Chiropractic (MVetChiro)
MSc Animal Manipulation (Chiropractic)
MSc Animal Manipulation (Osteopathy)

Find out more about the courses on offer at McTimoney College of Chiropractic.

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