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Going to uni or doing an apprenticeship isn’t right for everybody. When researching post-16 plans, it’s important your child weighs up all their options to make the right decision for them in the long-term.

The world of work

Some people might want to get straight into the world of work and climb their way up the career ladder.

Get them to develop their CV, research job vacancies, and speak with recruiters to get a sense of different industries, including school leaver programmes, that can help with their long-term career aspirations.

More about careers 

Apprenticeship search

If your child thinks a job or an apprenticeship could be right for them, they can create an account to:

  • search for jobs and apprenticeships
  • filter by subject area, role type, location, and more
  • shortlist jobs and sign up for job alerts
Search now

Gap years

Your child may want to take some time out before taking their next steps, whether that be going to uni, doing an apprenticeship, or something else entirely.

A gap year is a chance to work and build up some money, do an internship or volunteering, or go travelling, for example.

How to support someone who isn’t sure about university

As a parent, you should focus on providing all the support and reassurance you can. Make sure you’re there to listen; it’s the most important thing you can do.

  • Be positive and supportive: Remember, there’s no need to rush into a decision. It’s okay to take a step back and figure it all out. Give reassurance and stay positive.
  • Get clued up: Learning about the path your child is interested in can help them have confidence in their next steps. 
  • Help them explore: Helping your child make their next steps is all about finding the right path for them. Help them explore all the options, including apprenticeships, jobs, and more. You might want to encourage them to do a UCAS application too, so they can keep their options open.
  • Help them prepare: Help with their CV, cover letter, and any interview prep. You might want to encourage them to find a part-time job, work experience, volunteering, or an internship, to make their application stand out.
  • Visit our careers advice section for lots of advice on careers opportunities, applying for jobs, industry guides, employer case studies, and much more.