Our environmental policy

Environmental Policy Statement

January 2023

UCAS is committed to minimising the environmental impact of its operations through the adoption of sustainable practices and continual improvement in its environmental performance. We accept the ‘Duty of Care’ imposed by legislation as the minimum standard to be set and maintained, and we aim to develop a sustainable business that is financially viable, environmentally sustainable, and socially equitable. All members of staff have a role to play in achieving this.


UCAS will observe the following practices:

Be conscious of the environment beyond our immediate operations and take steps to prevent pollution and to minimise environmental harm and nuisance by:

  • reducing the consumption of resources such as paper and plastic
  • minimising the volume of waste generated, and maximising the reuse, reduction, and recycling of waste for energy recovery
  • focusing on greener methods of travel where possible

Monitor and comply with legislation, regulations, and codes of practice on environmental matters relevant to UCAS' operations by:

  • maintaining compliance with ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) and SECR (Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting) requirements and appropriate environmental regulations

Monitor, review and continually improve our environmental performance by:

  • continually reassessing changing technology, business requirements, and best environmental practices

Be proactive in maximising environmentally friendly energy initiatives by:

  • incorporating long-term strategies for energy efficiency into planning and development.

Clare Marchant

Chief Executive