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The application window for the 2016 cycle is now open which can mean only one thing. Thousands of students across the UK will now start to think seriously about applying to start university next year and their all-important UCAS application form.
Posted Fri 25 September 2015 - 16:06

The application window for the 2016 cycle is now open which can mean only one thing. Thousands of students across the UK will now start to think seriously about applying to start university next year and their all-important UCAS application form.

Although the main UCAS 15 January deadline is sometime away – now is a great time to start researching to make sure you’re on the front foot and fully prepared for what will be a life changing experience.

During the next few months, there will be many things on the minds of anyone planning to apply. As it can be overwhelming at the start, the following tips will help them plan their application and be fully prepared:

  • Know your deadlines and look at the ‘UCAS dates for your diary’ on our website – there are a number of different deadlines throughout the year, so make sure you know when your application needs to be submitted by.
  • Do research into your ideal subject, type of course and location – you are making potentially your biggest decision to date, so be sure you choose something you’re passionate about in a location where you want to live. Thorough research is vital.
  • Attend an event or open day – it’s always a great idea to get a feel for a campus and town or city before you apply. Seeing the area firsthand is always a good idea as it will give you a genuine feel for a place.
  • Finance and support – this can be a complex subject so understanding what you’ll need to pay and what’s available to you is really important. Fees, loans and budgeting are just some aspects you will need to consider.
  • Writing your personal statement – think about how you can make it stand out from the crowd. There are lots of tips on writing personal statements online and it’s often very helpful to get a parent or teacher to look over yours.

Fatuma Mahad, UCAS' Director of Operations and Technology said: “Applying to university can be daunting as there are many different aspects to consider. However, UCAS is here to help make the process as simple as it can be. We have a wealth of information on our website which will support and guide you and our advisers on facebook and twitter are always ready to answer any query you may have.”

Good luck with your 2016 applications!

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