Edge Hill University
Student support
There’s plenty of support and wellbeing available to you at Edge Hill University. We’re here to support your journey into higher education. We’ll also be there to support you during and after your studies to make sure you get the most out of university.
No matter what your background is, we are here to support you. You can find out more about the specific support available below, or by visiting our website.
Pre-entry support
- Outreach programmes and activities, some of which have specific eligibility criteria – find out more and register your interest.
- Contextualised admissions for specified courses for those meeting eligibility criteria
- Offer holder days throughout Spring months, with subject-specific onboarding sessions
Health and wellbeing support
- Dedicated team offering one-to-one appointments for mental health or wellbeing issues
- On-campus one-to-one counselling services
- Wellbeing workshops and group sessions
- Support with registering for local GP and dentist services
- Additional support from the inclusion team for those with a medical condition
- 24/7 campus support team for help with any on-campus incidents
- Dedicated student support team for those from underrepresented groups, such as transgender students or Care Experienced and Estranged Students
Careers service
- One-to-one careers advice and guidance appointments throughout your degree and for up to three years after graduation
- Online ‘ask a question’ support service
- Support with finding and applying for part-time, voluntary, placement and graduate job roles
- Annual careers fairs
- Free-to-loan interview clothes to help support attendance at interviews or placements
Money advice
- One-to-one appointments offering advice and support on financial matters
- Student support fund available for those facing financial hardship
- A range of scholarships and bursaries which we’ll support you to apply for
- Access to the Student Opportunity Fund which can provide up to £2,000 per year
- Access to online budgeting tools
Accommodation support
- On-campus accommodation is available to Care Experienced and Estranged Students 365 days per year
- Dedicated Student Life Team organising activities to help you settle in and meet new people
- Dedicated Accommodation Officer for each hall
- 24/7 campus support
Inclusion support
- Specialist academic mentors called Learning Facilitators who can work with those eligible for DSA funding
- Reasonable adjustments to support learning, assessments, and access to equipment
- Modified assessments
- Dedicated Transition Day for those with disabilities
Social support
- Dedicated support groups for those from underrepresented groups including mature students and Care Experienced and Estranged Students
- Student Life portal advertising a range of events, activities and social groups
- Faith and Community Service, as well as a Chaplaincy Service, and on-campus prayer and reflection spaces
Read more on our website about our dedicated support for:
Disabled students
Mature students
Care experienced and estranged students (CEES)
Black, Asian, minority ethnic students