Mature undergraduate students

Every year, thousands of mature students go to university or college. It's a great chance to develop new skills and career options – at any age.

Replacement certificates

If you need to provide evidence of exam results but don’t have your original certificates, all is not lost.

Yipiyap - redefining the gap year

Considering a gap year? Unis and employers love the maturity, motivation, and higher final grades of gap year students. Our friends at Yipiyap have experienced over a decade of well-planned years out transforming careers. Sponsored content.

Alternative payment option

If you are unable to make online payment of the UCAS application fee, we can accept payment by bank transfer instead.

Dates and deadlines for uni applications

Some courses have different deadlines, and many are a long time in advance of the start of the course. Find out which deadline applies to you, and what you need to do by that deadline.

How past students can inspire current students

One of your top resources as a teacher offering higher education (HE) guidance is your student alumni, now at university. So how do you keep in touch with past students and make the most of their experiences?

How to prepare for a uni interview

Is there one UK university you would love to study at? Or have you found the perfect course for you? Then getting the grades might not be enough. They may want you to attend an interview or submit your work to see if you are the right kind of student.

Hub live sessions

We run live sessions in the UCAS Hub to help those researching their next steps, and record them all. You can access them below.