Get to know universities as an international applicant
You’ve decided to apply for a university in the UK. You’ve figured out (hopefully) the UCAS application system, you’ve chosen a course, and you’ve stumbled upon the various university rankings. But now you need to pick a university, where you’re probably going to spend three (or more) years of your life. How? How can you tell which one suits you best? Which one has the student life that fits you?
'Come to our open day.'
Sadly, that’s not an option. As much as you want to visit, you simply cannot afford (either in terms of time or money, or both) to do so. It’s a situation most international students face — I did, too. Then how on earth did I choose five universities, out of the countless options that the UK offers, without even being able to visit them?
1. Vlogs or blogs
Many universities have students that are active as either vloggers or bloggers — all five of my choices did! Lots of them...