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BSc Information in Society Taster Lecture and drop-in sessions

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Perry Starlight's Space Explorers: What is research content and can picturebooks help children understand it?
Sat 1 July 2023 - 11:30 to 15:30

Taster lecture: 11:30-12:30
Drop-in session: 12:30-15:30

In our taster lecture demonstrating how Information in Society BSc applies information to the real-world problems our society faces, Katharine Smales talks about creating an illustrated picturebook to explain research to children aged four to eight years old. Katharine drew on her previous professional experience working in children’s publishing, to team up with an illustrator to create a picturebook to explain her research to young children and their parents/carers. This project showcases how innovative ideas about information design and dissemination can have an impact on children's understanding of their rights, and consent. The taster lecture is followed by a drop-in session where you can stop by at any point during this time to speak to academics who will be teaching on the programme and ask questions about the course.