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Considering Uni? Choosing a University

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Universities range in opportunities, specialism and ethos. Different types may be the best at what they do but may offer a very diverse student experience. We’ll consider location, accommodation, academic and social facilities and the importance of research.
Wed 3 June 2020 - 13:00 to 13:30

Our Schools and Colleges Team are pleased to offer a range of sessions designed to support decision making as you consider your university options.

The session is online by our Schools and Colleges staff via Microsoft Teams. All sessions are 45 minutes with a presentation and then the opportunity for you to ask any questions of our team. You do not need to register with Microsoft teams, or have a camera or microphone to access the session

You will have the chance to meet some of the team and we will be there to help answer any questions you might have about embarking or applying for university. Each talk has two session times so you can choose which is most suited to your other commitments. Once you book your place, we will send you details to join our conversations.

Suitable For:
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 5 (Students aged 16-18)
Individuals (Enquiry not required to be through a school)
Teachers (CPD)


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