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Harm to non-human animals: why criminologists should be concerned

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The aim of this session is to explore the significance of crimes against animals and to challenge the anthropocentric nature of the criminological enterprise. Join Dr. Clare Leon, a Research Associate from the Institute for Public Safety, Crime and Justice as she delves into the crimes committed against animals and considers why criminologists should be concerned as a result.
Fri 25 September 2020 - 13:30 to 14:30

About Dr. Clare Leon: Dr Clare Leon, LLB, MPhil, PhD, is a lecturer in Law, Criminology and Policing. She has taught courses on aspects of Green Criminology, including animals and crime, in the UK and Ireland. Her doctoral thesis was on special constables, and she has published extensively in this area. She has also researched and published on sexual offences and on the admissibility of unlawfully obtained evidence. She is a Research Associate at Northampton University, where she is engaged in research on the role of police wildlife officers, and a contributing editor on ‘Animals and Crime’ for leading criminologist Colin Sumner’s Crime Talk website. Clare also runs an environmentally sustainable equestrian centre in Co. Tipperary and works with equine welfare charities, rehabilitating rescue ponies.

If you have any questions for Clare, please include these on the registration form and we will try to get these answered as part of the session.