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Making Sense of Politics (Online)

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Drop in and find out about how we make sense of the political world, both domestic and international. You can meet members of our academic team, find out what inspired them to study politics and international relations and how they go about it now in their teaching and research.
Wed 2 December 2020 - 14:00 to 15:30

The School of Politics and International Relations is pleased to offer an online Taster Event for anyone considering undergraduate study in Politics, International Relations or Liberal Arts. Drop in on our programme and find out about how we make sense of the political world, both domestic and international. You can meet members of our academic team and find out what inspired them to study politics and international relations and how they go about it now in their teaching and research. Hear what they have to say, ask them questions, and join the conversation about what shapes our political world today. You will be sent joining instructions nearer the time, but if you have any queries please email or click on the link below for more details.


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