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PGCE / PCE (Teaching) Open Evening - Afan College

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Join us at our PGCE Open Evening to find out more about our postgraduate teaching qualifications. Suitable for those wishing to teach in Further Education.
Tue 23 May 2023 - 17:00 to 19:30


Do you want to share your skills and teach others? Have you thought about teaching in further education and training the next generation?

Join us at our PGCE Open Evening to find out more about our postgraduate teaching qualifications - suitable for those wishing to teach in Further Education. Find out about the application process and everything you need to know about studying with us.

Find out more and pre-register at:

We are:
✔ Local
✔ Affordable
✔ Flexible
✔ Supportive
✔ Forward Thinking




Ydych chi eisiau rhannu eich sgiliau ac addysgu eraill? Ydych chi wedi meddwl am addysgu mewn addysg bellach a hyfforddiant y genhedlaeth nesaf?

Ymunwch â ni yn ein Noson Agored TBAR i ddarganfod mwy am ein cymwysterau addysgu ôl-raddedig - sy'n addas ar gyfer y rhai sy'n dymuno addysgu mewn Addysg Bellach. Darganfyddwch am y broses ymgeisio a phopeth sydd angen i chi ei wybod am astudio gyda ni.

Darganfod mwy a rhag-gofrestru yn:

Rydym yn:
✔ Lleol
✔ Fforddiadwy
✔ Hyblyg
✔ Cefnogol
✔ Meddwl Ymlaen




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