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University of Huddersfield - Virtual Open Day Event

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This event has now finished

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It’s not possible to invite you onto our campus at the moment, but we don't want you to miss out on seeing what Huddersfield has to offer. We've created an online Open Day with sessions running over two weeks so that you can get involved as it suits you.
Sat 17 October 2020 - 09:30 to 15:00

You can:
* Chat with current students
* Watch live subject talks and chat with tutors online
* Learn about student accommodation
* Take part in live Q&As on topics such as student finance, applying through UCAS, wellbeing and disability, and careers
* Explore our campus online

Join the conversation
Follow our Open Day activities on Twitter at #hudopenday to see what's happening on campus. We hope you have a fantastic time and we'd love to see and hear what you've been up to.


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