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University of Winchester - Application Masterclass

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Our Schools and Colleges Team are pleased to offer online masterclasses designed to support your decision making as you consider your university possibilities.
Thu 10 December 2020 - 18:00 to 19:00

Your choice of degree course or university will be influenced by your career plans, your skills and abilities, qualifications and experience. Our expert staff are here to support you in researching your degree options and answer any queries you may have about the process.

Topics included within the 1-hour live session are:

Applying to start your degree in 2021
Personal statement support
Employability and thinking about where your degree might take you.

Once you have booked your place you will have access to a selection of pre-recorded advice, depending on your application journey for you to watch in your own time.

Applying from a Compact school or college
Applying from the Channel Islands
Applying from further away. What is Winchester like?
Applying from Northern Ireland
Applying as a Mature Student
Applying and commuting to university

By taking part in our application masterclass you will have a chance to meet some of the team and we will answer any questions you might have about embarking on applying for university. Throughout any of the masterclasses you can ask questions anonymously via our Application Advice Live Chat.


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